

Upon informing our patients about the possibility of Invisalign treatment, many are astonished to discover that braces aren't necessary for teeth straightening.

Invisalign is capable of addressing numerous orthodontic concerns, such as overcrowding, gaps, deep bites, open bites, crossbites, Class II and Class III malocclusions, and even instances necessitating extractions or surgery. Invisalign trays are removable, which enables patients to brush and floss without the hindrances of wires and brackets, as well as enjoy foods that might be restricted with traditional braces. Moreover, Invisalign helps avoid the discomforts caused by braces, which can include protruding wires, mouth sores, and other injuries from damaged appliances.

Naturally, the primary reason our patients appreciate Invisalign is because they are clear, and if a special event calls for the removal of the trays, they can simply be removed, and replaced in the mouth afterwards.

By age



Discover your stunning smile! 35% of docbraces patients are adults. Invest in Invisalign® for improved health and confidence.

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Invisalign® for Teens

What to expect when getting Invisalign

Embarking on the journey to Invisalign? Discover what lies ahead! This guide offers insights into the process, adjustments, and achieving a confident smile.



Step 02

After making your decision to get Invisalign, we'll take x-rays, photos, and impressions. Invisalign's techs create a 3D teeth model and the Orthodontist digitally plans tooth movements. After approval, custom trays are made.


Step 04

Collect your custom aligners at our office. Wear each for a week or as instructed by your Orthodontist, gradually shifting teeth into straighter positions. Remove for eating and brushing but maintain consistency in wearing throughout treatment.


Step 06

Keep your smile intact with Vivera retainers after treatment. They're durable for long-term use. Wearing retainers initially is crucial, and continue doing so weekly throughout life to maintain teeth alignment as they shift over time.


Step 01

Before opting for Invisalign, we'll help ensure it's suitable for you. It's not for all orthodontic issues. We'll help you check your insurance coverage and assess costs too.


Step 03

It may take approximately 4-6 weeks for the aligners to be delivered to our office.


Step 05

After Invisalign treatment, some teeth may need further adjustment. We'll assess and order "refinement" trays if needed. They take up to a month but are free, as they're often required.


Step 01

Before opting for Invisalign, we'll help ensure it's suitable for you. It's not for all orthodontic issues. We'll help you check your insurance coverage and assess costs too.


Step 02

After making your decision to get Invisalign, we'll take x-rays, photos, and impressions. Invisalign's techs create a 3D teeth model and the Orthodontist digitally plans tooth movements. After approval, custom trays are made.


Step 03

It may take approximately 4-6 weeks for the aligners to be delivered to our office.


Step 04

Collect your custom aligners at our office. Wear each for a week or as instructed by your Orthodontist, gradually shifting teeth into straighter positions. Remove for eating and brushing but maintain consistency in wearing throughout treatment.


Step 05

After Invisalign treatment, some teeth may need further adjustment. We'll assess and order "refinement" trays if needed. They take up to a month but are free, as they're often required.


Step 06

Keep your smile intact with Vivera retainers after treatment. They're durable for long-term use. Wearing retainers initially is crucial, and continue doing so weekly throughout life to maintain teeth alignment as they shift over time.

Treatment comparison

Invisalign Braces
Treatment comparison


Invisalign employs a sequence of transparent, medical-grade plastic aligners, individually tailored to gently and inconspicuously shift your teeth based on a personalized treatment strategy devised by your Orthodontist. These trays are clear and can be taken out whenever necessary, allowing for effortless cleaning and upkeep, as well as the ability to enjoy any food.

Invisalign trays should be worn for 22 hours daily to achieve the desired outcome. Each subsequent tray has slight variations, causing your teeth to gradually adjust to their intended placement over time.

Optimal for cosmetic reasons, such as misaligned teeth, Invisalign is a good solution for busy professionals or those seeking a discreet transformation in their appearance.

Treatment comparison


Braces can be used to treat tooth gaps, overcrowding, misalignment, overbites, and underbites, for even the most complicated cases. At docbraces, we provide clear ceramic braces, as well as self-ligating braces that eliminate the need for elastic or metal ties.

Clear braces are an excellent choice for those who prefer a discreet orthodontic treatment. Depending on the extent of the treatment required, these clear braces may only be applied to the upper front teeth, which are the most visible when smiling.

Invisalign FAQs

Who is a candidate for braces or Invisalign?

Candidates for braces or Invisalign include individuals with crowded teeth, gaps, overbites, underbites, or other alignment issues. Your orthodontist will determine the best treatment option based on your specific needs.

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign is a unique orthodontic system that straightens your teeth with clear plastic aligner trays, in place of wires and brackets. These aligners are custom-made for your smile, based on a treatment plan created specifically for you by your Orthodontist. Over the course of your treatment, you will be provided with a number of trays, each tray making small changes to your tooth and jaw alignment. The aligner trays are designed in such a way that each will move your teeth into the desired position, as identified by your Orthodontist. Because the trays are clear, they provide patients with a discreet approach to orthodontic treatment.

How long will treatment take?

The duration of orthodontic treatment varies depending on the complexity of the case. On average, treatment with metal braces can take between 18 to 24 months, but your orthodontist will provide a more accurate timeline during your consultation.

Would an adult patient benefit from orthodontics?

Orthodontic treatment can be successful at any age. Everyone wants a beautiful and healthy smile. Twenty to twenty-five percent of orthodontic patients today are adults.

Does Invisalign really work?

Yes, Invisalign works. Each new set of aligners progressively moves the teeth in the proper direction prescribed by your Orthodontist and your customized treatment plan. The only difference is, the flexibility of the aligners provide the gentle force to move the teeth, as compared to the wires in traditional braces.

Over 10 million people have been treated with fantastic results, so call to book a complimentary consultation and our team will discuss just how beautiful your smile can be.

Ready for the smile
you've always wanted? Let's talk!

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