

You can find answers to all your orthondontics questions here.

Questions from our patients

All Kids and Teens Braces Invisalign Adult Care Expenses
How can I take care of my teeth if I'm wearing braces or a retainer?
  • ALWAYS remember to brush your teeth after every meal and floss at least once a day.
  • Make sure to use toothpaste that contains fluoride, and ask our team or your family dentist if you need a fluoride rinse. This will help prevent cavities!
  • If you take out your retainer to eat, make sure you brush your teeth, floss, and remember to keep the retainer safe in its container so it does not get lost or broken.
  • Keep your retainer clean, too, by brushing it gently with a toothbrush and toothpaste. You may also soak it in retainer cleaner tablets as instructed by our office. Do not put your retainer in boiling water or in the dishwasher.
  • During your treatment, try to avoid foods with a lot of sugar (which increases the amount of bacteria that grows in your mouth, and can cause more plaque and potential cavities).
  • Avoid sticky and chewy foods (caramel, chewing gum, gummy bears), hard foods (hard candy, nuts, ice cubes), or any foods that could possibly get stuck in your braces (corn on the cob, soft bagels, ribs, taffy, etc.).
  • Be sure to schedule your routine checkups with your family dentist. It is recommended that you continue to visit the dentist regularly throughout your treatment.
Do I need to brush my teeth more often if I have braces?

With braces, you should brush your teeth at least three times a day to keep your teeth, gums, and mouth healthy and clean. Brushing regularly will help remove any food that may be caught between the braces.

You should also floss daily to get between your braces where your brush isn’t able to reach. We can show you how to brush and floss properly once your braces are placed.

Will Invisalign fit my lifestyle?

Time for a snack? No problem. Take out your aligners to eat or drink whenever you want (but always be sure to remove your aligners when drinking any sugary or acidic drinks)

Since Invisalign is almost invisible, chances are that no one will even notice anything is different. You can remove your Invisalign aligners, so you can brush and floss regularly and keep your teeth and gums healthy.

There’s no need to change a thing. Continue your day-to-day activities while still straightening your teeth.

Be yourself with Invisalign. Since it’s clear, you don’t have to hide your smile while going through treatment.

With Invisalign, it’s easy to make your smile picture perfect for that special occasion.

Invisalign appointments work with your schedule. Most Invisalign appointments are short and your Orthodontist usually needs to see you every 10-12 weeks.

Will braces interfere with playing sports?

No. It is recommended, however, that patients protect their smiles by wearing a mouthguard when participating in any sporting activity. Mouthguards are inexpensive, comfortable, and come in a variety of colors and patterns.

Do I need to see my family dentist while in braces?

Yes! Regular checkups with your family dentist are very important while in braces. Your family dentist will determine the intervals between cleaning appointments while you are in braces.

Can I still eat my favourite foods?

Yes! There are very few foods that we recommend you avoid during your treatment due to the possibility of damage to the wires or brackets. Any damage can extend your treatment times, so we’d encourage you to stay away from foods like hard candy, caramel, and nuts. You can still enjoy many of your favourite foods, but your preparation of them might change. For example, you should cut hard vegetables into smaller pieces, and always ensure you brush and floss afterwards! With Invisalign, because the clear aligners are removable during meal times, you can eat all of your favourite foods!

Ready for the smile you've always wanted? Let's talk!

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