When you have braces, brushing your teeth and taking care of your gums is more important than ever. To help you keep your investment in tip top shape, we've assembled the top 10 tips for caring for your braces. Don't forget that if you still have questions about what to expect with braces or would like a few more tips about how to keep your braces in great shape, you can get in touch with your nearest Docbraces. You'll find our practices in Moncton, Halifax, Dartmouth, Charlottetown and Summerside.
1. Avoid hard, sticky foods
You can still eat most of the food you enjoyed before braces, but some foods are more prone to getting caught in the wires or elastics, or even breaking a wire or bracket. Foods to avoid include:
- Chewy chocolate bars, taffy/caramel candies and gummy bears
- Very sticky or chunky peanut butter
- Hard candies
- Nuts
- Popcorn
- Gum
2. Take care with hard fruits and vegetables
You can still enjoy these foods, but you may want to take extra care with:
- Corn on the cob – cut off the cob first
- Apples and carrots – cut into small pieces
3. Floss your teeth at least once a day
Floss can be threaded through the space between the braces and where the top of the teeth meet the gums. Push the floss down under the wires between your brackets. Remember to floss every tooth, even the ones in the far back. If you like, you can purchase special “floss threaders” for braces at the drugstore.
4. Brush your teeth
Brush at least three times a day: after every meal, and even after every snack if possible. Take your time and brush really well, but not too hard. Clean every tooth surface and around each individual brace very carefully.
5. Rinse after brushing
When done brushing, rinse your mouth with a fluoride containing mouth rinse (such as Oral B) to make sure all surfaces are clean and fresh.
6. Avoid teeth whitening products
While your braces are on, don't use whitening products including whitening toothpaste or whitening mouthwash. The whitening agent only works on the place it touches, so wait until your braces are off before whitening or your teeth colour will be uneven.
7. Use water power
Oral irrigation devices, such as the Water-Pik, allow the user to “floss” with a strong stream of water
8. Try a proxy brush
These brushes have very small wire bristles that fit in hard to reach spaces around your braces. They can be purchased most places where toothbrushes are sold.
9. Make a braces kit
Put together a “go kit” to take with you through the day. Pack a small bag with a toothbrush, toothpaste and floss, a little bottle of mouthwash and even a small mirror. Keep it in your car, locker, purse or backpack.
10. Hands off
Don’t play with your braces. Don’t pick at them, bend the wires or try to adjust anything yourself.
If you're ready to get started with orthodontic treatment, you can schedule a FREE consultation easily online today!